Who We Are

Christians in Parliament is an All-Party Parliamentary Group, which exists to support all Members and staff in their work in the Houses of Parliament. We do this through:

  • Bible study and prayer groups, one-to-one contact and chapel services
  • Speaker events and discussion groups examining the truth and relevance of the Christian faith to personal and political life
  • Policy discussions and briefings informed by the Bible and Christian theology
  • Organising the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast

The Christians in Parliament APPG is chaired by Tim Farron MP, supported by a cross-party group of Vice-Chairs.

This is not an official website of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in these webpages are those of the group.

See records of past APPG meetings.