Time: 9 December 2015 1:15pm - 2:15pm
Location: Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster Abbey
A briefing and discussion on what the Bible says about migration, in the Jerusalem Chamber of Westminster Abbey on Wednesday 9th December from 1.15pm–2.15pm, by kind permission of the Dean of Westminster.
The migration crisis in Europe shows little sign of diminishing and significant disagreement remains about both the right political response and the moral imperatives that should inform such a response. As part of this debate, politicians and Christian leaders have either quoted the Bible or referred back to traditions of Christian thought and practice…but what does the Bible actually say about migration and what relevance does it have for our situation today?
To help us answer these questions, Nick Spencer, Research Director of Theos, has kindly agreed to give a briefing and answer questions, which will be chaired by Rt Hon Caroline Spelman MP. Nick has written extensively on this subject, including a book titled ‘Asylum and Immigration – A Christian Perspective on a Polarized Debate’.
The meeting will be for parliamentarians only and a sandwich lunch will be provided. In order to allow Members to attend the weekly service of Holy Communion in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft at 12.45pm, the meeting will begin at 1.15pm and close at 2.15pm.
Please RSVP to edward.hill@parliament.uk.