National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2022
Serving the Common Good
The 2022 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast will take place on Tuesday 5 July, with the main Prayer Breakfast programme starting at 7:30am and finishing at 9:00am. There is then a full programme of seminars, which take place between 9:15am and 10:15am, as well as the option of going on a tour of the Palace of Westminster. The chair of the Breakfast this year is Andrew Selous MP. Our main speaker this year is Revd Les Isaac OBE, founder of Street Pastors and President of Ascension Trust, who will address the theme of ‘Serving the Common Good’. For the first time ever, the physical event will also be livestreamed.
After the main breakfast, we are delighted to offer a programme of seminars, as well as a dedicated hybrid event for church leaders later in the morning, hosted by principal partner Bible Society: Discipleship Central: Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape.
Please find an outline of the full programme below:
Tuesday 5 July
6:30am – Doors open
7:30am – Main Prayer Breakfast programme begins in Westminster Hall
9:00am – End of main Prayer Breakfast programme
9:15am – Seminars and tour:
Climate justice, the Church and the global common good – Christian Aid
The climate crisis is the greatest challenge facing humanity today, with some of the poorest and most marginalised groups on earth standing on the frontline and bearing the brunt. Churches up and down the country are joining the call for climate justice, but how can we raise our voice together to influence changemakers better for the sake of those who need climate justice the most? Join climate activists, church and political leaders as we discuss the challenges, expectations and opportunities as we work together to call for climate justice for all. The panel will be hosted by Pete Moorey and will include Patrick Watt, Passy Amayo Ogolla and David Owumi.
Serving the Common Good in everyday life – LICC
How do we serve the common good where we spend 95% of our waking lives? What does it look like to be everyday followers of Jesus in the different spaces and places we live and work? What could it look like to mould culture or be a mouthpiece for truth and justice at the office, in Parliament, at the school gate, or down the gym? Join LICC and friends as they explore how we can change the world with God in our everyday lives.
“Finding the Common Ground” with Justin Brierley, presenter of Unbelievable? – Premier
Why is our culture being torn apart by culture wars? How can we encourage good-faith conversations in our divided world? What is the key to being confident in our faith while remaining open to other perspectives? The Big Conversation from Premier Unbelievable? has become one of the best-recognised platforms for exploring both the common ground and the differences between Christians, atheists and those of other worldviews. Drawing on over 15 years’ experience hosting dialogues between Christians and non-Christians on science, faith, culture and philosophy, Justin Brierley will share lessons he has learned from creating ‘conversations that matter’.
Persecuted Christians in Africa: God’s goodness in times of trial – Release International
The plight of persecuted Christians in Africa continues to be a cause for international concern. Release International’s Persecution Trends 2022 report highlights West Africa as a hotspot for Christian persecution over the coming year. Extremists are gaining ground in the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa. Christians are being targeted in bombings, killings, kidnappings and school attacks. Thousands have been killed or displaced. Release International, voice of persecuted Christians, will be examining the situation for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Nigeria and Sudan, with guest speakers from the church on the ground. Confirmed: Petr Jasek, ICA Global Ambassador, former prisoner of faith (Sudan); Dr Berhane Asmelash (Release Eritrea) and Dr Susanna (Burkina Faso).
Stronger communities: working towards financial resilience for all, hosted by the Trussell Trust
The record levels of need for food banks seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, and in the midst of the cost of living crisis, shines a spotlight on the persistently high numbers of people who are unable to afford everyday essentials. In this session, we will be hosting a panel discussion to explore how churches are working with local and national partners to strengthen communities, and what it will take to create a society where everyone’s essential needs are met. The discussion will be chaired by the Archbishop of York and will draw on the experience of church leaders, parliamentarians and the third sector to explore how we can all play a part in building financial resilience in our communities.
A tour of the Palace of Westminster – led by a Parliamentary Guide
Additional events
Evensong and Tour of Westminster Abbey: 5.00pm, Monday 4 July
For those who are arriving in London the night before, we are delighted to offer the opportunity to attend Evensong at Westminster Abbey, followed by a tour.
Discipleship Central: Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape – Bible Society
11:00am-12.30pm (with refreshments from 10:30am), Tuesday 5 July (Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, SW1P 3DW, or online)
We’ve all had the rug pulled from under our feet. The pandemic has challenged many of the patterns and routines of discipleship for followers of Jesus. And for many church leaders this has posed some acute questions. How do we go back to the Bible to rediscover the foundational teachings of Christ that equip us for service? How can we support believers as disciples in this age of loud voices competing for our loyalty? What perspectives from the global Church will shed light on our blind spots? And how can we work together across ages, ethnic differences and tribal identities to encourage one another in joint purpose and perseverance? With theological reflection, live interviews and interactive discussion, the Bible Society team and guests will explore this crucial subject for the future of the Church. Join us at the venue or online as we explore the theme of discipleship together.