Constituency Breakfasts

Every year, hundreds of church leaders and their local MPs gather together in Westminster Hall in Parliament for the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. This provides a fantastic opportunity for church leaders and MPs to strengthen relationships.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is still not possible for everyone to gather in Westminster Hall this year. However, we want to encourage church leaders to gather together locally, invite their MP to watch the Breakfast with them and spend some time afterwards discussing how they can work together to serve their local communities.

If you’re a church leader and would like to organise a local constituency breakfast, download our guide for what to do here. Scroll down to find out if there is already a breakfast happening in your area, and if not, register to host one via the form below.

Find a breakfast near you

Below are the contact details to get information about local breakfasts happening around the UK. Find an event in your constituency and get in touch with them for more details. No event happening in your constituency? Consider if your church could host one for local church leaders and your MP.

Please note that local breakfasts are organised by local church leaders and the organisers of the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast are not responsible for their content.

Search below or browse all.

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Register your event

If you’re a church leader and want to host your own local constituency breakfast, let us know by completing the form below. Please note that by registering to host a local constituency breakfast, we will use your email address to pass to any church leader who wants to attend your event.

Your details

Event details