NPPB 2022

The 2022 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast took place on Tuesday 5 July in Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament. The Breakfast was chaired by Andrew Selous MP and was attended by 180 MPs and Peers, as well as Ambassadors and church leaders from across the UK.

The theme of this year’s breakfast was ‘Serving the Common Good’ and a keynote address on this topic was given by Revd Les Isaac OBE. The programme also included music from Andy Flannagan, Donna Akodu and band, who led those present in singing ‘Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven’, ‘We Seek Your Kingdom’ and ‘Lord for the Years’.

Please see below for video and audio resources from this year’s event.



Keynote Address

Chair’s Welcome
The Prayers

Discipleship Central: Rediscovering the way of Jesus in a new landscape – Bible Society


Keynote Address


Serving the common good in everyday life – LICC

“Finding the common ground” with Justin Brierley, presenter of Unbelievable? – Premier

Persecuted Christians in Africa: God’s goodness in times of trial – Release International

Stronger communities: working towards financial resilience for all – The Trussell Trust